Makes me smile
when I think
how we spent
hours of sleepless nights
in front of the PC
adjusted to the opposite
time zones,
committed sincerly to the
call of watch
How the vigor of our youth
mixed with the fever of eagerness
transpired to an addiction-
for you more than coffee
for me more than TV
It was sad we could never see each other face to face-
I never got to see what color suits you the best,
never could catch a glimpse of you smiling in the out-of-focus world,
never could smell your favourite perfume on you,
never could notice how your face looks in different lights,
never could hear the sound of you while looking at you
The spin of earth bears witness to the feelings we shared
how we wanted to stay together forever
and still chat over the net
Like our smiles conveyed by emoticons
and words build on keyboard,
In this vast collection of withs and withouts
called humanity,
wish you could just simply be located by Ctrl+F
The last page of my email
carries me to our first days when you
used to send those
one liners and silly forwards.
You must have had no idea that
the same things of fun
would one day look so sad to me.
That I understand.
But what saddens me more is
that tiny mail of yours
where in two lines without a full stop
you made me believe that life is a good thing
Wishing is a fanciful thing.
I wished to keep you
as perhaps a gift
that serendipity
could have presented me
except that it didn't
but I have your funny mails
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