Wednesday, May 08, 2019

A Sigh is A Prayer Not Aware of Itself

Day after day
the ritual evening assessing
of the only liveable possibility
amongst the hundred empty possibilities
with a cigarette in hand
and songs playing on the earphone

Heart yearning constantly
for a way for its wishes
to make through to
its comforting conclusion
A mild rage,
this silent desperation
to make it happen

The song starts rhyming the reverie-
it befriends it
you play it on repeat,
the song inhabits it

This song now
has become an evening prayer
with the smoke of the puff
illuminating the evening clarity
over the just lit lights
and the low flying crows

This is what makes a prayer
a prayer-
the calm will of a warrior
in need of some help
to fight fiercely for
a true longing

Amidst the chaos of the city
and the dimming sky
this narrow lane has become a
holy place
because a prayer has been needed
by a burdened soul

A prayer, this hurt
hurls with the dust
longing for sky
one day, everyday
all over
Innumerable instances
of this world's inadequacy to provide its humans
the warmth deserved by these humans

Whoever keeps a note?


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