When I die.....
I'll be buried and covered with soil-
for which, so long I toiled.
The darkness will draw
and gone will be
my thoughts & my doubts.
the alertness will smother
but will it really bother?
I'll sleep to peace
or maybe I'll keep awake-
with just blindness ahead.
Funny to believe
about the day to decease;
all the curses-
they will be no more.
And there will be no more
of the world, of the deity
and of creature and anxiety.
What we see will be a point
colour of which- not defined !
The long cherished hopes
and the smiling dreams
will all merge to invisible seams.
there will be no sound
there will be no taste
neither will be any smell
nor will be any haste.
The body will decay
& ferns will nurse
with the emotions frozen
& nostalgia dispersed.
Again will I be alone
just with my own self
history will have
repeated itself.
But the world will go on
like it always has done;
the lovers will meet
and then they will spurn.
People will find difference
and fight their fellow men
till they die to become the same.